Lead Generation & Sales Development Agency

and predictable source of sales leads

You have products, services, and sales skills. All you need is a steady flow of leads who want to buy. Let us fill your calendar with meetings.

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About us

Two friends who met at alpine skiing school (5 y.o.) ⛷️ Eventually, they took the challenge of creating the best outbound agency in the world and actually, they're doing pretty well according to their customers!

Philip Kubinski

Philip is a real sales development geek 🦸🏻 He has five years of experience in leading sales development teams, most recently at Growbots as Head of Sales Development. He managed a team of over 10 inbound & outbound SDRs that consistently generated over 100 demos monthly.

Marcin Uchacz

Marcin built and led the sales development team at Zowie. He created the entire outbound process from scratch, and has implemented multiple sales systems & CRMs, like Growbots, Apollo, Outreach.io, Hubspot and Salesforce. Before finding his one true love (outbound 🥸), he worked in strategy consulting at Deloitte.

Personalized, yet automated cold email campaigns

Booking sales calls with potential customers directly into your calendar


With personalized yet automated email campaigns and LinkedIn outreach


To add 5, 10 or 20 new deals into your pipeline every month


Check our flagship product with pricing

Outbound Starter

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Have questions? We’re here to help.

Do you personalize emails? How?

Yes we do, and we do it a lot! Cold email can’t succeed without it. Each campaign requires a different approach, and unique personalization.

Sometimes it’s about the situation at targeted companies (e.g. they hired a certain position, or raised a funding round), and sometimes it’s connected more to the person we’re contacting (e.g. which team they’re with, how long they’ve been working at their company). While creating the campaign we employ a couple of different personalizations that, in our opinion, will have the biggest impact on results, and test them.

Long story short - our campaigns are far better than those generic emails you receive every single day :)

Are you compliant with CCPA & GDPR?

Yes! All of our campaigns are compliant with privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA and CASL. Actually, since we’re based in the EU, GDPR is our bread & butter. Plus, we’ve never had a problem with Privacy Inspectors or any other authority guarding data privacy.

Is automation okay for sales?

Definitely, if done properly. Our approach to automation is to improve the quality of our outreach, not to increase the scale of generic emails. It helps us accelerate the tedious tasks, and leaves us more space for proper research, qualifying leads and coming up with campaigns that will convert well for you.

We've tested hundreds of different approaches and we know that hand-crafted sales outreach, combined with automation, still gets the best results.

Which CRMs do you integrate with?

We are platform-agnostic, meaning we can work with any platform. We have exceptional experience with Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Close.com, Salesloft, Growbots, Apollo, Outreach, Lemlist and many other tools and platforms you might prefer in your sales process.

Of course, we have our favourites, but there’s no tool in the world we can’t master.

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